Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sharing is Caring

i) Mobile
Don't put your mobile closer to your ears until the recipient answers, Because directly after dialing, the mobile phone would use it's maximum signaling power, which is: 2watts = 33dbi.
Please Be Careful.
Please use LEFT ear while using cell (mobile), because if you use the right one it may affect brain directly. This is a true fact from Apollo medical team.

*To everyone reading this, its a piece of knowledge worth remembering for the rest of your life :)

ii) Good vision while driving during heavydownpour
Just try this method when it rains heavily and get convinced. It is useful, even driving at night.
Most of the motorists would turn on HIGH or FASTEST SPEED of the wipers during heavy downpour, yet find the visibility in front of the windscreen is still bad. In the event you face such a situation, just try your SUN GLASSES (any model will do), and see the miracle for yourself! All of a sudden, your visibility in front of your windscreen is perfectly clear, as if there is no rain.

Scientific explanantion :Fine rain drops cause light to scatter and get refracted, just like the way rainbows are formed. The sun-glasses cut out scattered and refracted light which make the scene in front hazy.

*To all of you driving, its something worth trying :)

iii) Good news for diabetics
Want to keep your blood sugar down to lower your odds of developing diabetes? Or if you are diabetic, would you liketo lower blood glucose further without extra drugs?Try eating more cinnamon or taking cinnamon capsules.

*Very useful information for those with relatives suffering from diabetes.

Its proven with solid research,
Google it if you're doubtful :)

If any of you have doubts in these pieces of knowledge, such as " if this is true, why aren't these information released on a huge scale in public?"

Well, in my opinion, if such valuable information are shared or imprinted to everyone's mind, it would cause huge losses to companies, for example, companies in the drug industry.

And as for the mobile, solid proof on the research are not released, but Apollo hospitals are the largest healthcare group in Asia.

Conspiracies may be keeping these vital information on the down low.

No harm trying,

Especially not putting your mobile phones to your ear while it is still beeping

Any more solid proof, go research it thoroughly yourself :)

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