Saturday, October 4, 2008


Ever had someone in your life,

so deep in your heart,

did things which both of you won't do for anyone else,

shared the moments together,

the silly moments,

the fun moments,

the romantic moments,

the love moments,
the special moments,
Then there is the happiness ,
Just feels like flying everytime you are together,
Being so close to someone,
You will never let them go,

Feels like it will last forever,

Sweet memories together,
Feels like it was all a dream,

Never let them off your sight wherever you are in the world,

But what if something happens one day,
Everything turns around the way you never thought it would,
That person wants to let you go,
Forgets the moments,
Let it all off,
Doesnt feel your heart,
Your worst nightmare,
Never expected,
And everything you had together,
Just vanished in the air,
Memories like glass shattered into a thousand pieces,
To everyone who has someone very special in your heart,
If you really love that special someone,
Continue the cherished love,
But communication is the key,
Don't keep them in your heart if things are wrong,
As stacking it would someday enrage you to burst out like a bomb,
People aren't perfect,
We sometimes tend to forget about moments cherished after a long period,
Always remind each other,
To experience the moments again,
Do not let your cherished love slip away from your grasp,
Expect too much from a relationship and its a hazard,
Nothing lasts forever although sometimes you feel it will.
You were like blood in my veins,
Your name was engraved in my mind,
My love for you was blind,
You can see my flaws, but sadly you cant even accept your own flaws or even see them, guess this is the end for now,
Time will tell what happens between us in the future,
But for now, all is left is the ghost of you.
Goodbye having you in my life,
Goodbye to the good times with you,
Goodbye sweet lovely memories.

1 comment:

Andrew Lyn said...

wow... that was.. awesome. What u wrote there. O_o.

Suddenly i can feel what you're feeling at the moment. lol. Dayem that was good.

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